06 November 2024 07:00 WIB
Jetour Starts Local Assembly of Dashing and X70 Plus at PT Handal Indonesia Motor
At the end of October, Jetour Motor Indonesia has started CKD (completely knocked down) production of its first two models, Jetour Dashing and Jetour X70 Plus, at PT Handal Indonesia Motor's facility which has more than 3 decades of experience as a car assembly plant.
The Chinese car brand held a line off ceremony to mark the start of CKD production as part of Jetour Motor Indonesia's commitment to deliver premium and innovative vehicles in Indonesia.
President Director of Jetour Motor Indonesia, Mr. Jacky Yang, asserted, “By presenting high-quality products that suit the needs of consumers, we are confident that the Jetour Dashing and Jetour X70 Plus can be accepted by the Indonesian people.”
In an official statement, Thursday (31/10/2024), as quoted from Kompas.com, Mr. Jacky Yang also mentioned that the line-off ceremony was a tangible manifestation of contributing to the development of the automotive industry in Indonesia.
Further explained, Jetour Motor Indonesia comes to Indonesia with a comprehensive strategy to be implemented in the long term, which is the result of research on lifestyle trends, daily needs of the Indonesian people and people's purchasing power. From this research, Jetour Motor Indonesia has the confidence to take part in the development of the Indonesian automotive industry.
Jetour X70 Plus is designed to prioritize family travel comfort with attractive features, such as the Ultra Wide Panoramic Sunroof, while Jetour Dashing has a sporty visual with cutting-edge design that attracts young people.
Previously, at the GIIAS 2024 event, Jetour Motor Indonesia had introduced the two products that played in the sport utility vehicle (SUV) segment, before finally now being assembled locally at PT Handal Indonesia Motor.
Jetour Mulai Rakit Lokal Dashing dan X70 Plus di PT Handal Indonesia Motor
Akhir Oktober lalu, Jetour Motor Indonesia telah memulai produksi secara CKD (Completely Knocked Down) untuk 2 (dua) model pertamanya, Jetour Dashing dan Jetour X70 Plus, di fasilitas PT Handal Indonesia Motor yang telah berpengalaman di dunia otomotif selama lebih dari 3 dekade.
Brand mobil asal China ini melakukan seremoni line off sebagai tanda dimulainya produksi secara CKD sebagain bagian dari komitmen Jetour Motor Indonesia dalam menghadirkan kendaraan premium dan inovatif di Indonesia.
President Director Jetour Motor Indonesia , Mr Jacky Yang, menegaskan, “Dengan menghadirkan produk-produk berkualitas tinggi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen, kami yakin Jetour Dashing dan Jetour X70 Plus dapat diterima oleh masyarakat Indonesia."
Dalam keterangan resmi, Kamis (31/10/2024), sebagaimana dikutip dari Kompas.com, Mr Jacky Yang juga menyebut bahwa seremoni line off sebagai wujud nyata untuk berkontribusi dalam perkembangan industri otomotif di Indonesia.
Lebih lanjut dijelaskan, Jetour Motor Indonesia hadir di Indonesia dengan strategi komprehensif untuk diimplementasikan dalam jangka waktu panjang, yang merupakan hasil riset dari tren gaya hidup, kebutuhan keseharian masyarakat Indonesia dan daya beli masyarakat. Dari riset tersebut, Jetour Motor Indonesia memiliki keyakinan untuk mengambil bagian dalam perkembangan industri otomotif Indonesia.
Jetour X70 Plus dirancang dengan mengedepankan kenyamanan perjalanan keluarga yang dilengkapi fitur-fitur menarik, salah satunya Ultra Wide Panoramic Sunroof. Sementara Jetour Dashing memiliki visual sporty dengan cutting-edge design yang jadi daya tarik kalangan muda.
Sebelumnya, dalam ajang GIIAS 2024, Jetour Motor Indonesia sudah mengenalkan kedua produk yang bermain di segmen sport utility vehicle (SUV) tersebut, sebelum akhirnya kini dirakit lokal di PT Handal Indonesia Motor.